
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Out with the Old

It is the last day of 2013. All the Christmas decorations have been put away and life will slowly return back to its normal routine.

Personally, I like the new year. Some don't like January, but I really do. I like the feeling of renewal. Houses get back in order after being decorated for the holidays. The cookies and candy make they way out. And as with my usually uncommitted resolution, there is a desire to get in better health so in come the healthy food and gym memberships. 

But before looking ahead to the new year, the last day of the old year is a good time for reflection. Each year holds the good and the bad and 2013 was no different.

My biggest life changing event was becoming an aunt. I found out last January that our family would be growing by 2 feet. I can't even begin to describe how much I love my niece, Brynley. I am excited to watch her grow. I pray that as she grows older, she will learn to love Jesus and understand how precious she is in His sight.

It was a year of an unexpected and significant job change. My company's acquisition was such a blessing for me, but the majority of my coworkers will be looking for new jobs during the first several months of 2014. It is definitely bittersweet.

With my job change came the decision to move back to Ohio. I have been blessed with the ability to work solely from home so it doesn't matter where I am located. While my heart had been set on moving at the end of my lease in August, the landlords have graciously let me out early. I am currently house hunting, which is something I never thought I would ever do.

I am looking forward to 2014, but am thankful for all the Lord has blessed me with in 2013.

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Back to the Heartland

I am moving back to Ohio! I almost don't even think that it is really happening. God has completely shown his faithfulness to me over the past few months. I was planning on moving back at the end of my lease but with my job changes, the opportunity to move came about much sooner.

My landlord was extremely gracious in working with me. They haved asked that I wait until the end of March. I was hoping for the end of January, but I am still happy with the compromise. My lease was up in August and I know they didn't have to let me go early. That was a big relief.

I was home last weekend. While it is my hometown, I have lived out of the area for almost 10 years. But I felt very much at home. It was a wonderful feeling and I am going to be close to my mom, which I am happy about.

My mom and I have been talking about where I would go to church. In my heart, I would love to be a part of a church body with a good singles' population. But I know that is probably not going to be available. I was at my mom's church, which is where I had gone when I lived there, but there is such a feeling of being with family and people who care about me. On Sunday, I finally vocalized that I was moving back and I received such a warm response. I felt very loved!

I also have the opportunity to purchase my first home and that is an exciting prospect. I haven't made any decisions, but I really like the idea of being settled and making a space completely my own.

So I am going to start the transition of being home the week of Christmas. I will being taking some weekends to pack up my things and take my time moving out, which is also a big relief...because I HATE moving! It is really not a fun thing to do.

I am so excited to be moving back and getting back to the Heartland!